Music Technology
During the 80’s music went electronic, with the introduction of synthesizers, producing electronically generated sounds. The boom box became popular in the 1980s. It was a portable music device, with cassette player and radio. Personal stereos enabled people to play cassettes through headphones. But as these headphones increased, worries arose about social and safety problems.

A number of Australian programs screened by commercial stations reached a peak. In 1980, it estimated that eight of the ten most popular programs screening on Australian television were produced in Australia. The surge in popularity of Australian programs were believed to be because the nationalism created by the Brisbane Commonwealth Games and America’s Cup victory. The Government funding injected into Australia’s film and television industries since the 70s which also raised the quality of content.
A drama series called A Country
Practice was a popular medical practice show, running for 12 years. In
1987, the ABC began screening the late-night music program Rage. Two evening soap operas were also launched in the 1980s: Neighbors in 1985, Home & Away in 1988. Both were a major success, particularly in
Britain. Sport was soon broadcast on television as well. Featured multi-camera,
slow-motion action replays, special effects & computer graphics.
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
This special service was launched, 1980. It
was a new multicultural television station that gave Australians access to a
range of foreign-language and special interest programs. As well as screening
minority sports, independent films and documentaries.
FM radio stations were launched as
commercial radio stations. It employed sophisticated methods of audience
research to appeal to specific groups of people. Some primarily played rock or
pop while others played classic music.
Computer and Video Games

Personal computers became more affordable
in this decade. Therefore a wide range of computer games provided a new source
of fun! Handheld consoles for home computers were introduced in the late 1980s.
Young people could also gather in video arcades and play video games like
Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong.
Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs)
VCRs became a common phenomenon in Australian
homes in the1980s. The device allowed people to record programs from their
television sets into a video tape and watch later. The VCR allowed people to
watch what they want, when they want. These devices also allowed people to hire
videos of movies that were previously screen at cinemas. In 1978, only two film
titles were available on video. By 1993, 33 000 films were available.
Cinema sale declined after the VCR was
invented as the choice was to watch movies at home. But closer to the 1990s people
who had accustomed to watching feature-length movies, returned to the cinema.
Upon their return, the multiplex cinema
came about. These were large buildings that contain many separate cinemas.
Built in suburban areas, and easy to reach by car.

Australian film making was very busy in
this decade. The commonwealth government introduced a tax that encouraged
private investors to show interest is local films. This was awarded to the film
industries and the number of Australian films made sky-rocketed due to high
budgets this tax was replaced with the Australian Film Finance Corporation
(AFFC). The themes of the movies explored national identity with historical
films and also contemporary issues with movies like Puberty Blues, Heatwave and
Winter of Our Dreams being released.
Many of these films came for profit and appeal for the viewers in other
countries as well, especially America. Other successful movies were Mas Max and Gallipoli, both made in 1981. In 1986 a movie with a title Crocodile Dundee was released to the
public, this movie was the most financially successful Australian film of all
time. This raised a lot of international awareness for Australia.
Other Entertainment
The 80’s were a time of technology as well
as active games like the trampolines and skateboards becoming popular. Ramps
were created to allow the boards perfect their skills. Roller skating became a
rage in the 80’s. Where the youth would meet at the roller rinks, dressed in
the latest fashion & skate to loud music.
Games were played were like Trivial Pursuit
the board game, Cabbage Patch Dolls and the infamous Rubik’s Cube, creating a
wave of excitement to beat the box.
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